Day 9 Oct 21

This will be a short blog, because I don't have much time.

I woke up this morning feeling like pretty bummed, i felt pretty undisciplined and kinda powerless to change it. I was wrong God is control, whether anyone reconizes it or not. My life is soundly in his hands, and I feel so good about that.


  1. You doing okay? Haven't seen much from you recently, but then again, I have seen you around in person. Maybe your social life is picking up, which makes it challenging to write?!
    Hang in there! Its okay if YOU'RE out of control as long as you let GOD be in control! Even if its uncomfortable. Womp womp womp. Persevere with that discipline; remember to train, not try!

  2. I keep checking your blog... no new post! Where are you?! I enjoy reading them.


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